Bro Vayle Transcript Library 2000
2000-02-05 Godhead #05 - Perilous Times (2 Timothy 3 - Romans 1)
2000-02-06 Godhead #06 - The Great Revelation-One God
2000-03-04 Godhead #07 - The Living Word God; Word with Power
2000-03-05 Godhead #08 - God Is in His Word; Key #3-Having the Petition You Desire
2000-04-01 Godhead #09 - Words and God Word; God Is Living Word; Be Transfigured Through Your Mind
2000-04-23 Godhead #10 - Flesh for Us, Word for God; God with Logos-Inseparable
2000-07-01 Godhead #11 - The Supreme Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ
2000-07-02 Godhead #12 - The Fullness of the Godhead Bodily
2000-08-05 Godhead #13 - God As Sovereign
2000-08-06 Godhead #14 - The Man, Jesus Christ, Is Not Deity
2000-09-02 Godhead #15 - The Essentiality and Intrinsicality of God - 1 Timothy 1:17
2000-10-07 Godhead Q&A #01 - Salvation of Our Souls; Romans 8
2000-10-08 Godhead Q&A #02 - Fullness of the Godhead Bodily; Crime-Punishment; Godhead-hood
2000-11-04 Godhead Q&A #03 - Preservice Comments
2000-11-04 Godhead Q&A #03 - Fullness; Supreme Deity; Attrition
2000-11-05 Godhead Q&A #04 - Tangibility of God; Jesus and His Sonship-Body
2000-12-02 Godhead Q&A #05 - Preservice Comments
2000-12-02 Godhead Q&A #05 - The Strong One Bound by an Oath
2000-12-02 Godhead Q&A #05 - Comments-Be Like Children